Cross-industry Talent Exchange: A New Approach

Our world is changing dramatically. But, change is a sign of growth, as it allows business leaders to be more forward-looking, and resilient as we step into an uncertain future.

The new working norms, ‘phygital’ workspaces, shortage of talent in some sectors are some of the challenges that are making it imperative for business leaders to find solutions that build a reliable environment for employees.

An innovative solution could be the development of a ‘cross-industry talent exchange’ where organisations in sectors that have been hit by the crisis, ‘share’ their employees with organizations in those sectors that are flourishing, and require the workforce.

For example, employees of a large hotel, organisation in the hospitality sector, that to those organisations that have an excess of work (e.g., health, logistics, some retail stores).

Recently, a large hotel chain, a sector that has been hit hard by the Coronavirus, shared its furloughed employees in the administration function, for one month, with a large hospital, that needed extra hands to deal with the excess work. In another case, a food manufacturing and marketing chain temporarily moved hundreds of employees to large retail grocery chains who were facing workforce shortage due to the sudden surge in grocery delivery. It has enabled the grocery chain to strengthen its delivery force and lower labor costs as well.

flexymanagers® facilitates the ‘sharing of resources’ by temporarily transferring the employees onto our roles. It is indeed a smart way to drive business transformation and handle the crisis with agility.

This transformational, fit-for-purpose approach will foster the desired outcome, save costs, build agility, and resilience to survive and thrive.